As usual, Best Made Co. have made a beautiful thing. Travelers and adventure-seekers alike will love the Tenth Edition World Atlas, bound in leather and packed with gorgeous drawings, photographs, and information. Explore the world with the latest geographic data from land to ocean floor. Charts, graphs, and color photos allow you an in-depth look at different cultures across the globe. Maps are organized politically, physically, and thematically. It also includes the world’s time zones, the flags of all 195 countries, and a place-name index which allows you to easily search for anything you want anywhere in the world! Bound in vegetable-tanned leather, this atlas is as beautiful as it is informative. Display it in an office, on a bookshelf, or on a coffee table. Handle it with care and the leather will soften and tan even more beautifully over time.
Check it out below on Best Made Co.:
