Once in a while we come across a really innovative, practical product that makes us nod our heads and say "Yes!" to it's existence and usefulness - the Ralévo Compact Foam Roller is one of those. This is a little product that is has just been launched on Kickstarter, and is hoping to begin shipping by July/August.
Ralévo is a compact, mountable foam roller. It is designed to be ultra-portable, so that you can take it with you to the gym, on your travels - wherever. It is a hybrid between a massage ball and foam roller, and can target just about any muscle on your body. Anyone who has tried using a massage ball will know how frustrating it is to try to keep it in place without dropping or moving out of place. The Ralévo solves that problem by being completely stationery and anchored - either to a wall or other vertical surface via a micro-suction pad, desk, or floor. It's extremely lightweight, and has a dense, textured rolling surface to target your muscles and get in deep.
To see more view Ralévo on Kickstarter
